Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Haiku for You!

can keep swelling down
turns waterfalls into rock
always fun to slide

Webster's Falls (above)
Little side waterfall by Webster's (Below)

Monday, February 25, 2013


It is lent. That means Roll up the Rim and Tim Hortons! I decided that since I haven't blogged in a couple weeks, I should do that before I allow myself to roll up the rim on the cup of coffee that I'm drinking so here I go!
The past couple weeks have been crazy and wonderful. A couple weeks ago, I was simply going through my school work and living life. Having three English Literature courses means a lot of reading. Since Christmas break, I have had to read 2 novels, at least 200 pgs of poetry, somewhere around 20 short stories, 5 plays, 5 articles about plays, and about 8 chapters out of an Information Technology text book. On top of this, I have had to write a 5 page paper, a 6 page paper, a poetry reading response, and a bunch of notes. There is also just the fun of assignments and midterms and all that. After spending a lot of hours trying to figure out Managerial Accounting and failing a midterm (with around a 40%), I decided maybe taking the prerequisite of Financial Accounting would've been a good idea, and I dropped the class.
Last week, I got a break from all this craziness. I got to be home from Friday evening till Tuesday noon. It was fantastic to see my family, play games, help at the women's retreat, go to my church, see the progress of my niece and nephew as they grow up, and just simply relax. While being home, everyone got the flu which was pretty unfortunate, but hey, we're all better now! Around noon on Tuesday, Greg and I headed back to Hamilton. The weather wasn't the best so the trip looked like it was gonna take about 9 hours instead of 8, but then, we got stuck in really thick traffic and it took us an hour to go about 7 km. Once it cleared up again and we finished the trip, it had been a full 10 hours since leaving Indiana. We were both exhausted so we each took about a 2 hour nap then went to pick up his mom and sister from the Hamilton International Airport. We played rook with them until about 2 in the morning which was fun. Since then we have played a lot of Rook, Canasta, and Ticket to Ride (great game by the way!). We also spent a lot of time at Greg's cousin's house a half hour from here. We went to the Niagara Falls and explored a little bit of Hamilton with them. Overall, it's been a great week! Now, They are all shopping around Medowlands while I sit by myself in Tim Hortons studying for a midterm and doing some homework (and writing a blog).
For a little bit of a more personal thing rather than just facts about what happened in my week/semester, while I was sitting here, Greg, his mom, and Kaylen went to Costco. They came back a little bit ago with a Coke and a hot dog for me. Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but Greg has told me lots of times that Hot Dogs are disgusting and Coke is really unhealthy, but every time I just say I don't care and like them anyways. Apparently he does sometimes listen to me because he brought me them anyway even though he said it was "against my better judgement." I thought it was pretty great.
Well, now, I just finished my coffee and should really finish studying for my midterm (which is at 9:30am tomorrow morning). Plus, I really want to know if I won anything for roll up the rim!

Now for the most anti-climatic ending of a blog: "Please play again/Rèessayez S.V.P."

Back at it. In other words: better get RRRolling!