Monday, March 25, 2013

"The Story"

So, a lot of people have been asking me how Greg proposed to me, and I was getting sick of telling the same story over and over again so I decided that I would write it down, print it off, and hand it to anyone who asked, but Greg said I wasn't allowed to because it was too weird so instead of letting my hard work go to waste, I decided to put it on my blog! Now, if anyone asks one of my family members how it happened or something, they can direct them here or just give them the proper explanation. 

“The Story”

Greg and I planned to go to Toronto a couple of weeks ago just because neither of us had ever really been there. We wanted to take public transit so that we wouldn’t have to worry about parking through in Toronto.
While we were walking from Redeemer to the bus stop, he pulled out an envelope that was made with great detail that said “The Amazing Race – Greg Beekman and Alicia Hubers Edition.” It looked really good. Then inside, it explained that I had to guide us through the city of Toronto and at each stop, we had to take a picture from the same place as the picture in the envelope. I had to guide us to all the stops since Greg planned it and knew where everything was. He gave me free passes like internet use, phone call, free help, etc. There were 10 places to find and 2 checkstops. The first 5 stops were completed on Friday (union station, coffee shop, CN tower, Toronto Island, and detour to decide where to sleep) then we camped on Toronto Island for the night, and I got a “checkstop envelope.” Saturday, we did the next 5 stops (making breakfast at Nathan Phillips park, Royal Ontario Museum & Casa Loma (detour that we chose both), sneaking into the Delta Chelsea hotel swimming pool, a little restaurant, and the Scarborough Bluffs) and learned the Toronto transit system. At the last stop (the bluffs which is a beach with cliffs by it), I was supposed to get my 2nd checkstop envelope, but Greg "forgot" until I reminded him. Then he reached into the envelope, and instead of pulling out a note or clue he pulled out a ring, got down on a knee, and asked me if I would marry him. I said yes.

This is my ring. I love it!

This is how legit the envelopes were. A couple people asked if we were actually on the Amazing Race.

First checkstop picture

What would be my favorite picture of the trip IF Greg would've actually smiled. 

My actual favorite picture from the trip I think.