Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Catch-up time

So, I haven't posted on my blog in a really long 4 1/2 months long time. Oops :). Sorry guys! But hey, at least I got facebook back so I can pretend to update people at least. For the next little while, I will try to blog at least once a week to make up for the past 4 1/2 months.

On July 4, I got married to Greg (he's this really great guy I know). I think we had the best wedding in the world.
Some random highlights leading up to the wedding were:
- Getting to know Gregs family better
- Getting to see all of my siblings, parents, and nieces and nephews
- Getting to see almost all of my Kolk cousins
- Climbing a mountain (not so highlighted if you count the few minutes of thinking thinking my almost sister-in-law was going to die, but hey: still pretty good overall)
- Working 76 1/2 hours the week prior to my wedding (ok, maybe not such a good highlight)
Highlights of actual day:
- Angela doing an amazing job on my hair
- Wendy and Fae helping with lots of little stuff
- Pretty fun pictures
- Mom helping me put my dress on and adding things to my hairpiece last minute
- Dad wearing a tie
- Anna quick feeding me before I got thrown to the photographers
- Watching all 16 nieces and nephews go down the aisle
- Dad walking me down the aisle
- Jonathan and Eric jumping to save our house from falling
- Nate's speech
- The Kolk cousin faces
- April and Shelby doing a fantastic job keeping kids semi-in-line
- The amazing pyramid made by aunts, uncles, and cousins
- Amber and Hetty doing a fantastic job MCing
- The open mic
- Kaylen and Nate keeping me company while I hid from the world
- The Forsters help with everything!
- Clean-up being miraculously close to finished before we even left
- ...I'll just stop there

After our wedding day, we headed down to Montana for the Hubers family reunion, but on the way, we made a pit-stop in Great Falls to get sleeping bags and camp for the night. We couldn't find a campground to pitch our tent in so we settled for a place up some coulees near a train track. When we were almost asleep, all of the sudden we heard this massive cloud of bugs above us and soon after, we started hearing thunder. We looked out our tent and 180 degrees of the sky was consumed in a huge storm. There was lightning every second. I asked Greg if maybe we should quick pack up and go to the car, but he said we wouldn't have time. After watching the storm for another minute or so, Greg thought of a little culvert with a bike path going through it that we had seen on our way up. We quickly got out of the tent and carried it (still set up) into the culvert.
Again, we were almost asleep when a massive gust of wind threatened to capsize our tent. We quickly ran outside, grabbed out shoes, and pulled the rain cover off (we were under the culvert anyways so rain couldn't hit us). About a minute later, rain did start hitting us even though we were on the far side of the 50 ft culvert. We put the rain cover on top of our sleeping bags so that we wouldn't get soaked and then finally went to sleep.
The next morning, we were expecting the world to be destroyed or something. Well...we were at least expecting some fallen trees and a roof or two torn of houses, but instead we woke up to someone peacefully biking through the culvert. Soon more people were walking or biking through. We decided to pack up. On our way back to the car, we did see one fallen tree. Apparently storms are amplified when you're in a tent. Who knew really? Oh well. It was a very adventurous night and we enjoyed it.

Following that adventure, we went to a little cafe for breakfast than continued our way down to Big Sky for the family reunion.  On our way, we went on another adventure. This one came in the form of a detour sign that we followed when we were maybe an hour away from Big Sky. Four hours of beautiful scenery later, we arrived at the reunion. We spent a couple days enjoying time with family being "red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, rednecks," then headed back for Calgary to start settling into our house. We stopped in Lethbridge to see Greg's family, sleep for a night, and get our presents and continued on. We were so blessed by people's amazing generosity and hardly had to buy anything for our house (just lamps, picture frames, and a broom pretty much).

After 2 days of settling in, it was time for life to begin again. I joined Greg and Brendon in building playgrounds. Our first one was a small one in a new development called "Skyview Ranch." Life went on from there.