Friday, July 11, 2014

The Pros and Cons of Pregnancy so Far (32 weeks)

- I get to feel cool wiggles and bumps multiple times everyday
- We get a baby at the end of it
- People are really nice to me in general
- There's always at least 1 topic for conversation with female playground volunteers
- If I want an excuse to eat whatever I feel like eating, I have one. 
- Greg lets me order chocolate milk instead of the beer I would normally get at the end of a day working at a faraway playground 
- I don't have to lift really heavy things
- Volunteers think I'm amazing for performing simple little tasks

- I can't visit Indiana when the rest of my family is there
- I cry at small little things and tear up every time someone mentions me maybe missing my family...or really anytime my family is mentioned just because I miss them so much. 
- Cigarette smoke smells so good, but I'm not allowed to smoke
- Coffee just doesn't bring the same type of satisfaction as it used to
- I feel fat...and really kinda am
- I'm not allowed to work as hard as I used to
- My back and hips hurt if I do lift anything remotely heavy
- Heat is amplified, and I don't have a pool that I can just go run and jump into at the end of most days.  
- My feet hurt after standing for even an hour.
- Some foods that I usually really enjoy, just taste gross (eggs, mcdoubles, sometimes bacon)
- I feel inadequate to do so many things that I used to feel competent in
- I'm always a little scared that I could be hurting my baby by something I do or eat or if my emotions are out of whack
- I'm scared every time I think about the possibility of a miscarriage or still birth. 
- Our kid uses my bladder as a punching bag
- I'm growing an annoying knack for finding things to complain about even if I can think of good things that outweigh the bad.  

Now even though there are more cons listed than there are pros, even just the very first item on the pros list outweighs all of the cons.  Then if you looked at the 2nd one, I don't even think any of the cons would even matter at all (except for the last con on the list...that one sometimes makes it hard to remember that I shouldn't care).  I can hardly wait for September to come just because I'm so excited to actually meet this kid.