Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Rain. It's a topic that has been put into many songs. Each of which reflect a certain mood, feeling, or situation. Here are just a few of these songs and my current reaction to them.
- "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." That is not accurate. In fact, I'm happy it's raining today. It gives me a chance to do some stuff that I really need to get done rather than going in to work.
- "And the radio just keeps on playing these songs about rain." Also inaccurate  The radio here in Starbucks is actually playing happy little Indie/pop songs.
- "Chocolate Rain" I wish. Also, I miss my little sister April. I was there for her grad, but I missed her open house and I just feel like we haven't talked tons in quite a while. When she showed me this video, I thought it was so random and fantastic - much like April.
- "It's raining. It's pouring. The old man is snoring." Well...this is kind of backwards and made about the wrong gender. In fact, it should say - "It's raining. It's sprinkling. The youngish girl is snoring." The reason fro this switch is, I slept in until almost 10:00 this morning where my oma (an "old (wo)man") was up bright and early figuring out all sorts of stuff with her water.

Now, I know there are many more songs about rain, but those are just the first few that popped into my head. Currently, I am sitting in Starbucks in Lethbridge because it was the easiest coffee shop with free internet for me to find. I am figuring out some little details for my wedding and hoping everything just is really easy. Problem is, I am too scared of it being all confusing and just deciding that eloping is a great option to actually get down to it and plan. I guess maybe I should at least give a solid attempt at planning a ceremony before giving up.

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