Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Big City, Little Friends

So I have discovered that heavily populated places are the loneliest places in the world. Take Calgary, a city of around 1,200,000 people and counting, after living here for almost 5 months, I have only had actual conversations with 11 residents of the city. Those 11 people are Greg, James, Lori, Kayla, Sarah, Shayna, Liz, Theo, Shawna, Kylie, and Joe. Greg is my case you weren't aware. James and Lori have been married for almost 2 years and are our best friends in the city; we hang out with them often. Kayla is a friend from Redeemer. Sarah is Kayla's sister. Shayna is Kayla and Sarah's cousin. All three of them live together. Liz is Heidi Dunham's sister and she's married to Theo; we had them over once. Shawna lives in the basement of our house with her boyfriend (who's name i still don't know even though I've lived in the same house as him since July). Kylie and Joe are our landlords.
Ok I guess that's a tiny exaggeration. I've talked to a couple random people at bus stops, people that were in my classes when I was still in school, a couple people at churches we've visited, and Kayla's parents, but I haven't hung out with any of them.
Another heavily populated place within the city of Calgary is Centre Street Church. There are around 7,000 people who attend. The main campus is just a mile or 2 away from our house; however, there are multiple other campuses around the city. Main Campus has a Saturday night service and 2 Sunday morning services. Greg and I have decided that we're just going to make it our home church because we're sick of church shopping and the only ones we liked more are a half hour away (still in the same city of course). We just decided that for sure on Sunday so we haven't really gotten plugged in yet, but we're hoping to join a small group so maybe we'll meet some people there.
One of our biggest blessings in Calgary comes in the form of James and Lori. They are a fantastic couple. James is 20 and Lori is 21. Both of them love playing games, eating food, talking, and studying the Bible with us, and we could not imagine a couple that we get along with better. Maybe it would be if they liked camping more and snowboarding less, but we need some differences I guess.
Yesterday, I was making pie because we had some pears that were going bad. Since Greg doesn't generally eat many sweets, we had James and Lori over to help us eat it. We had them over for a supper of pork chops, potatoes, applesauce, and green beens. After supper I put the pie in and we taught them how to play killer bunnies. When the pie was ready, it was hard to tear everyone away from the game to eat it. Then we ate cake, finished that game, and played a game of Keiser (a fantastic 4 person game they taught us). Somehow it was all of a sudden almost midnight so they headed home. It was a really fun night; every time we hang out with them is great. We just finished a couple-series called Love and Respect, and I learned so much through it. It's great to have Lori around to talk to too. Every once in a while I randomly invite her over in the middle of the day too which is always fun.
If we didn't have James and Lori, I don't know how I would keep my sanity in this city. I would only know one person well. As it is I only know 3, but 3 is better than one!
I'm hoping that soon we'll meet more people and actually get a little bit connected, but as it is, I'm so happy for what we have as far as people go.


  1. I'm glad you have some friends there :) Our really great friends moved out of Grand Rapids about two years after we got married and it sucks. Sometimes I think we should move to Ohio just to be closer to them, but then I remember that we could just move closer to family instead. So we've been working on making other great friends here for now :)

  2. i'm sorry...i would be so sad if James and Lori moved away! I'm thinking about making other friends, but I don't know how long we'll even be here so it's pretty difficult.

  3. I think you've forgotten about your blog again... love you though!
