Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today around 7:00, Greg and I went to Tim Horton's to do homework. It's a beautiful night out (50 F with periodic rain) so we decided to walk instead of drive. I borrowed Alexis's rain boots because mine were in the basement and wouldn't match my hat properly.
As we were walking, Gina texted me so I looked at my phone and put it back in my pocket. About 10 minutes later, I reached in my pocket and there was no phone. I figured it was probably already dead because it was raining pretty hard. Greg and I did homework as planned for the next 3ish hours and then I had to walk back to my dorm so that I would be on time for devos at 10:30. Before I left, Greg told me a story about one of his cousins losing a glass contact in a pool, them all praying about it, and then another cousin finding the contact a couple minutes later. Before I left, we prayed that if God wanted me to, I would find my phone.
I retraced the exact path we had taken there, and after a while, I saw a little rectangular bump in a big puddle in the middle of a park's parking lot. I reached down, and sure enough, in-between my fingers was a little brick of a phone. I opened it, and somehow it still worked! So once again, I have a phone. Plus, I got a little reminder of God's goodness which is always pretty welcome.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Conversations 2

Group of 1 white girls, 2 arab/indian guys, 1 asian guy, and 1 asian girl.
Indian Guy 1: Apple is in it's own domain! You can't put a wall up in your own domain!!
Asian Guy starts to interrupt saying: Yeah but when you have microsoft.
conversation becomes heated and hard to follow because they're talking over each other too much.
Conversation calms down, but the technology talk continues with random comments such as:
Asian Girl: Yeah but what about iPads?
Indian Guy 2: With GPS imagine how long the signal takes from your satellite to get to the ?? satellite. By the time it comes back, the route could be different.
Indian Guy 1: Oh yeah, I have a Calculus test tomorrow.
White girl: Isn't it hard to get into that school? Asian girl: Is it? All three guys laugh a litte.

Guy sitting at a big booth quietly studying by himself. Two girls walk up.
Girl 1: Can we sit here by you? (it was the only semi-open booth, but there were a lot of open tables)
Guy: um sure.
Girls talk loudly about sex and spiritual lives (yeah...not a conversation that was lining up if you listened to it). Also throwing in an occasional "I'm really getting worried about her because she hasn't been reading her Bible lately" followed by "oh I know, and it comes out in how she acts"
Student studying at the next table buts in a little. Here's that conversation.
Student: (to guy) Do you headphones? (clearly also getting annoyed with the conversation)
Guy gives slight twinge of an annoyed smile and declines.
Girls leave about a half hour later (apparently they missed the students "shut up" hint)
Student: (a little under their breath) They're gone!
Guy: Oh thank goodness.
Student: (turning to guy) I tried to give them a hint by asking if you needed headphones.
Guy: Thanks. It didn't quite work though.
Student: Yeah...that was annoying.
Guy: And they were talking about personal stuff! Like, the one girl had sex. I don't need to know that!
Student: Yeah I know...I had to turn my music really loudly to block them out.
Guy: Well, good luck studying.
Both go back to studying.


Conversation 1: Guy with a greasy mustache and toque talking to 4 other guys all around college age:
"So I was walking out of a building the other day and saw a guy standing out the door and I was like 'Hey man, how's it going?' Then the guy turns around and is like 'Do I look like a man to you?' Then I was like 'Oh sh**! Are you a woman?' But then I realized it really was a man and I was like 'what the heck?'

Conversation 2: Man around 60, and 2 college students:
Man: Oh, Redeemer? I know of it.
Boy: Really? What do you think of it?
Man: Well...(awkwardly deflects question because he has simply heard of it and didn't really know about it)
Conversation continues with formalities and eventually comes to different types of Christian beliefs and clearly disagreeing on issues such as praying to Mary and the place people hold in God's plan. Both parties are starting to get a tiny bit annoyed at this point, but they're still amiable.
Man: So how many angels do you think can fit on a pin head?
Boy: Well, since you seem to know, how about you tell me?
Man: Well I'm not getting paid to teach, how about you look it up. It's in the Bible. You could find it on your laptop.
Boy turns to computer to look it up with a semi-confused expression on his face.
Man: (to Girl) So what do you think the answer to that question is?
Both Boy and Man look at Girl expectantly.
Girl: Well, I think there are as many angels on a pin head as God decides to put on the pinhead.
Boy peers at girl with a relatively impressed expression and a hint of amusement. Man simply looks impressed.
Man: That's a very wise answer. Spoken like a true woman.

Conversation 3: Homeless guy walking from table to table asking for money to buy food for his kid and wife. He has a laminated little sign and doesn't speak because part of his story is that he's deaf.
Homeless man holds out sign to table.
Man at table: You asked me last time I was here.
Homeless man looks with a disappointed face knowing that he won't give any money only food. Persists anyway by holding sign out farther towards the man at the table.
Man at table: I can smell alcohol on your breath. I know what you'll do if I give you money.
Homeless man walks away a little angry.
Man at table looks across at the woman across from him with a look that basically said "what kind of guy begs with alcohol on his breath?"
Woman at table: Next time he comes over here, just offer to walk over to Fortino's (Canadian grocery store) with him.
Man at table: I did that last time.

People amuse me...if I hear anymore conversations that I find interesting, I might make a part 2 to this blog.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


I'm sitting in McDonalds trying to figure out Managerial Accounting. The problem is, I didn't take Financial Accounting last semester and therefore am completely lost when it comes to simple accounting terms. If this were the only class I was struggling with, I might be ok with it. However, I also have 3 literature courses and have to have 2 plays, 2 novels, and about 9 poems understood within the next week. On top of that, I have my Information Technology class and have probably about 6 hours of homework to do on that by Monday night.
You are probably all wondering why on earth I'm blogging about this instead of just doing my homework like I should. The answer to that is, I'm at an loss at how. I don't know where to start. I don't understand the homework that is most pressing. The homework that is less pressing is just that...less pressing. So, here I am, waiting for an email back from my prof about an accounting tutor. I'm gonna go try to figure it out some more now. Bye

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Mishap

Today in chapel, I was sitting up by the sound booth with the other "techies" (yeah...i'm one of them :P) and one of the Campus Service Ladies, Darlene, came in and told my bos that they needed a microphone in the commons.
As he walked out, I noticed that about 3 inches of the seam on the butt of his pants was not sewed...at all. He was out the door before I could actually say something, but when he got back I told him. He asked if I had a sewing kit so I quick ran to my dorm and grabbed mine. He then shut himself off in the lighting booth and sewed it up. Apparently the 3 inches that I saw were part of a gap that was almost a foot long.
Needless to say, the whole A.V. crew had a good laugh.

And So it Begins

It's a new year. The year of 2013! We all made it past yet another prediction of the end of the world, and we're getting back into the swing of everyday life. For me, this "swing" includes the delicate balance between classes, housemates, friends, boyfriend, God, and alone time.
Monday, the balance was impecable: I went to my morning class, hung out around the dorm, talked to a friend, enjoyed creation without any other people around, got dressed and showered, picked Greg up from the airport, hung out at his dorm, went to night class, and then played in the snow.
Tuesday, the balance may have been a little off, but not really badly. I went to my 2 morning classes, ate lunch, went to my afternoon class, hung out at Greg's dorm, ate supper with mine, went to test drive a Kia Soul with Greg (and unfortunately I officially have no objections to it other than the looks; in fact, i really like everything else), went on a drive in Marcel, and played Canasta with Mark, Devon, Calvin, and Greg.
Today, the balance so far is very off...and the only reason I say that is because currently, I'm sitting in my dorm. I shouldn't be sitting in my dorm. I should be sitting in room 212B with 3 of my housemates and my roommate from last year learning about accounting. I guess I'll have to just get the book and study this chapter a lot. Now, I should probably go because I have to work today, and I can't forget that or I'll probably get fired + my day's balance will be even more off.
After today, I'm going to have to make sure again that I balance my days a lot better.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Beauty Everywhere

Today we went on a hike to a waterfall. The hike was beautiful. When we got to the waterfall I climbed as high as I could (while guaranteeing that I wouldn't fall and die). It was really fun and I got a great vantage point of the mountain across the way from me. As we were walking down, I said something about wanting to climb the big rock face to our right, and Derek said that would be a bad plan because the rocks are really brittle. It's crazy that something that seems so majestic and unbreakable is actually easy to crack. Really, I wonder why some mountains are brittle and others are perfect for climbing. God must've had a blast designing the mountains just deciding "oh, this one is going to be brittle" or "hey, I'm gonna through a big cluster of diamonds in the middle of this mountain." It really would be fun to design all of that.

After our hike we just hung out for a while and ate supper and then, it was bath time for the kids! Zack, Dez, and John were all three in one bathtub just having a ball. It was one of the cutest sights ever.