Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today around 7:00, Greg and I went to Tim Horton's to do homework. It's a beautiful night out (50 F with periodic rain) so we decided to walk instead of drive. I borrowed Alexis's rain boots because mine were in the basement and wouldn't match my hat properly.
As we were walking, Gina texted me so I looked at my phone and put it back in my pocket. About 10 minutes later, I reached in my pocket and there was no phone. I figured it was probably already dead because it was raining pretty hard. Greg and I did homework as planned for the next 3ish hours and then I had to walk back to my dorm so that I would be on time for devos at 10:30. Before I left, Greg told me a story about one of his cousins losing a glass contact in a pool, them all praying about it, and then another cousin finding the contact a couple minutes later. Before I left, we prayed that if God wanted me to, I would find my phone.
I retraced the exact path we had taken there, and after a while, I saw a little rectangular bump in a big puddle in the middle of a park's parking lot. I reached down, and sure enough, in-between my fingers was a little brick of a phone. I opened it, and somehow it still worked! So once again, I have a phone. Plus, I got a little reminder of God's goodness which is always pretty welcome.

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