Saturday, January 19, 2013


I'm sitting in McDonalds trying to figure out Managerial Accounting. The problem is, I didn't take Financial Accounting last semester and therefore am completely lost when it comes to simple accounting terms. If this were the only class I was struggling with, I might be ok with it. However, I also have 3 literature courses and have to have 2 plays, 2 novels, and about 9 poems understood within the next week. On top of that, I have my Information Technology class and have probably about 6 hours of homework to do on that by Monday night.
You are probably all wondering why on earth I'm blogging about this instead of just doing my homework like I should. The answer to that is, I'm at an loss at how. I don't know where to start. I don't understand the homework that is most pressing. The homework that is less pressing is just that...less pressing. So, here I am, waiting for an email back from my prof about an accounting tutor. I'm gonna go try to figure it out some more now. Bye


  1. I understand your situation completely...but I understand my homework.

  2. Awe Lishy, I'm so sorry! You'll get there! I love you!
