Friday, January 25, 2013

Conversations 2

Group of 1 white girls, 2 arab/indian guys, 1 asian guy, and 1 asian girl.
Indian Guy 1: Apple is in it's own domain! You can't put a wall up in your own domain!!
Asian Guy starts to interrupt saying: Yeah but when you have microsoft.
conversation becomes heated and hard to follow because they're talking over each other too much.
Conversation calms down, but the technology talk continues with random comments such as:
Asian Girl: Yeah but what about iPads?
Indian Guy 2: With GPS imagine how long the signal takes from your satellite to get to the ?? satellite. By the time it comes back, the route could be different.
Indian Guy 1: Oh yeah, I have a Calculus test tomorrow.
White girl: Isn't it hard to get into that school? Asian girl: Is it? All three guys laugh a litte.

Guy sitting at a big booth quietly studying by himself. Two girls walk up.
Girl 1: Can we sit here by you? (it was the only semi-open booth, but there were a lot of open tables)
Guy: um sure.
Girls talk loudly about sex and spiritual lives (yeah...not a conversation that was lining up if you listened to it). Also throwing in an occasional "I'm really getting worried about her because she hasn't been reading her Bible lately" followed by "oh I know, and it comes out in how she acts"
Student studying at the next table buts in a little. Here's that conversation.
Student: (to guy) Do you headphones? (clearly also getting annoyed with the conversation)
Guy gives slight twinge of an annoyed smile and declines.
Girls leave about a half hour later (apparently they missed the students "shut up" hint)
Student: (a little under their breath) They're gone!
Guy: Oh thank goodness.
Student: (turning to guy) I tried to give them a hint by asking if you needed headphones.
Guy: Thanks. It didn't quite work though.
Student: Yeah...that was annoying.
Guy: And they were talking about personal stuff! Like, the one girl had sex. I don't need to know that!
Student: Yeah I know...I had to turn my music really loudly to block them out.
Guy: Well, good luck studying.
Both go back to studying.

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